Michael O'Neal talks with The Connect Press about the work of PMI

The Palmetto based non-profit changing the aid game

Palmetto Medical Initiative turn old-school models of aid on their head, and share how they’re developing sustainable centers for…

Photo by Parker Fitzgerald

Blog: Why Your Room Needs a New Red Chair

Who knew a new red chair could change your life, AND give you insight into how your world might look different with…

Blog: 5 Reasons to ‘Choose Real’

What does it mean to ‘choose real’ in a fast-paced culture of photo shopping and ’15 second fame’? Laura Bennett explores 5 reasons to choose real, and why…

Blog: Stop Trying to Make an Impact

Is your thirst for impact and intentional living taking over your life? Writer Ellery Sadler suggests that while our goals may be worthwhile, perhaps…

Blog: Is God Answering My Prayers?

Blog: Is God Answering My Prayers?

Ever wondered if God answers your prayers? Are you big dreamer unsure of whether He’s heard your cry for more? Well maybe it’s got to wit the way He…

Blog: Your Talent Ain't Worth a Thing

Blog: Your Talent Ain’t Worth a Dime

in the last few years NZ has produced major names like Lorde, Kimbra, the Broods and more. So why do these acts succeed in an over populated industry that..